About Us
The Committee of the OBEDF decides whether, and in what amount, to support applications. All the Trustees of the Fund are OBs and are members of the Committee, as are a number of non-Trustee OBs plus a nominee member from the School. In addition, the Head of the School and the President of the OBA are invited to Committee meetings, though they are not members of the Committee.
Thanks to the generosity of many OBs over many years, the fund now has assets of more than £400K, but grants are normally made only from the income that has accrued on the capital. The Fund is independently examined annually (by a volunteer OB).
In the year ending 31 May 2017, for example, thirteen grants were made averaging £1k each. Activities supported by these grants included participation in School sports and study tours, postgraduate courses and professional qualifications.
The committee meets four times a year at Drapers' Hall to consider applications.
Please feel free to e-mail us to make contact if you have any questions or comments.
The Charity Registration No. is 1124893.